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Best Online Shops For Climbing Equipment

Climbing, or better said, sport climbing is a form of sport where you highly rely on your equipment. Your rope is attached to the climber that is attached to the anchor. All this should keep you safe even in the worst moments.
That’s why we’ve decided to list some of the best online shops where you can buy your climbing equipment easily, in just a few clicks.

Climbing Equipment One Click Away
Here are 5 top online stores to buy your climbing equipment and get some assistance along the way.

1. Gearx.com
Offering professional climbing equipment, up to 70% discount, and free shipping for any purchase above $49 are just some reasons we’ve chosen gearx.com. Whether you need belay, chalk and chalk bags, helmets, ropes, or anything else, you will find it in this tremendous shop. As mentioned, there’s The Oge Outlet with up to 70% of discount for all of your favorite brands. The shop has a newsletter you can subscribe to and get updates whenever a good offer comes along. That way, you’re ensuring to make your purchase for the best price while getting some valuable tips as well.

2. Rei.com
Another fantastic shop offering everything you need for climbing, but also cycling, hiking, water sports, and much more is rei.com. When it comes to climbing itself, you can choose from clothes and shoes and climbing harnesses to all other essentials. The shipping is free for purchases above $50, which is yet another perk. Our favorite is the “Learn” section, with many blogs, helpful tips, and inspirations for your future climbing session.

3. Trekkin.com
One of the shops with the broadest selection of climbing equipment is definitely trekkin.com. You can choose between 41 different brands, all quite affordable. There’s a “Hot Deals” section where you can look for the best offers currently and find something you may never have thought you needed, but the price was just too good.

4. Gearexpress.com
Specializing in climbing equipment, gearexpress.com gives you equipment and clothing while offering many discounts for various tools. They have divided climbing into sections such as basic, sport, traditional, big wall climbing, and more, so you can find whatever you need within these categories. Besides, there’s a learning section to help you use the climbing equipment properly and a photo contest. If you win, you’re getting a good prize.

5. Oliunid.com
Whether you need helmets, ropes, or chalk, oliunid.com offers suitable products for each. Besides, you can find a terrific choice of clothing and shoes for your activities, which is quite helpful, having them all in one place. The shop offers various hot deals, meaning that you can find everything you need for a lower price. And last but not least, there is Oliunid magazine, giving you different tips and tricks on climbing, but also other outdoor activities.

Now when you have a solid list of shops, what’s left is to visit them all and find the most suitable offer for yourself. Go ahead, shop, and stay safe!

Equipment for Climbing in the US


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