Enjoy American Nature

Best Outdoor Activities For Every Woman

Despite the old belief that women are not interested in outdoor activities and that men are those who are into hobbies such as fishing, hiking, climbing, and more, recent decades have painted a different picture. More women are engaging in such adventurous ways of spending time outside, whether with their partners, friends, or alone. Even gear production companies noticed women being more involved and started adjusting their equipment to better suit their female customers’ weights and heights.
If you’re passionate about adventures but unsure about what to pick, here are a couple of suggestions we’ve prepared. Of course, choose only those you’re comfortable with and make sure to enjoy your time out there!

7 Best Adventures For Women

As promised, here’s our list of the best outdoor activities for all our women. Run through it and find out what suits you the most. We will give you a tiny hint; you will find anything – from water sports to camping and snow adventures. 

Women Outdoor Activities US

  1. Kayaking

As one of the most popular female activities on the water, we would like to mention kayaking. It’s a terrific way to exercise, have fun, and enjoy. And the best part – you can go with your friends or all by yourself. If you’re not sure whether you could do something like this or not, there are a lot of groups encouraging women to participate in outdoor activities, and one of their goals is to provide education. You don’t need to be professional, just take the paddle and enjoy yourself for a day, you deserved it!

  1. Canoeing

While kayaking can be a solo activity, it usually implies having another person as your co-pilot. Canoeing, on the other hand, is a slightly better option for lone wolves. Or should we say she-wolves? If you’re into water sports, you can try this discipline as well, since paddling is a bit different from kayaking. It can be something new for you, and another great thing about it is the fact that there are many organized groups of women doing it. It means that even if you’ve never done it before, you will be surrounded by those who did and who could give you real-time advice and jump in to assist if necessary.

  1. Hiking

For those like myself, who feel safer on the ground than water, hiking is yet another great outdoor activity. Besides a significant positive impact on health, you will have a chance to enjoy incredible landscapes, see some new areas, and even take a couple of selfies just to show off along the way. Again, if you’re a social bee, you can invite some of your friends to join, while you can also go by yourself at your own pace. It’s entirely up to you.

  1. Backpacking and Camping

Since these two are pretty similar, we decided to pair them up into one suggestion. The main difference between backpacking and camping is the way you arrive at the destination. There are dedicated camps where you can just drive to and find a tent that’s already been set up, and spend a couple of nights under the sky. However, if you decide to go backpacking, you will be carrying all of your equipment yourself, including tents. This option might be more attractive as you can set your place just about anywhere (make sure to follow the laws, of course) and enjoy some of the best views. Regardless of the option you choose, we can assure you it will be one of the best sleeping sessions you’ve ever had.

  1. Rock Climbing

Those ladies who would like to test their strength and are not afraid of heights should definitely try rock climbing. This activity gives you comprehensive options since you can find a place in nature and climb real rocks, while there are a lot of artificial rocks designed just for sports. This activity is considered both mentally and physically demanding as you need to watch your steps and rely on your power, so it’s an excellent test of your abilities. Whatever option you choose, make sure to always have a safety belt. 

  1. Snowsports

Since there are many options for snowsports, we’ve decided to make it a joint group. Whether you’re attracted to skiing, snowboarding, sledding, or ice skating, you can do it all. Of course, it depends on the season, and you might have to wait a bit until we see the first snow, but it will definitely be worth it. Again, if you’re afraid of trying something like this yourself, you can find an organized group and join them. Luckily, almost any ski resort has an instructor available, so you can have a few classes before trying it yourself.

  1. Cycling

Last but not least, you can try cycling. You know what they say; once you learn how to cycle, you will never forget it. So grab that bike that lies forgotten somewhere in the basement and go outside. You can do a couple of rounds near your house, just to get confident. If you’re already well trained, try joining some local race or a cycling group. After all, sport is meant to be a social activity, so having people around can’t be harmful. Again, take good care of your safety and bring all the protection equipment with you.


That being said, women are taking a more significant part in outdoor activities than ever before. If you love being outside but are not sure what you can do, try searching social media. Besides being a fantastic way to meet new friends, social media can help you connect with women just like yourself – adventure lovers looking for the next hike. Not only will this help you get new ideas, but you might meet some of them and join their groups. 

Grab that gear and go outside; the world is waiting for you!


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